- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.TIT_FLOPacific Coast775926 254.87 t.568
2.LEAA_212Center7381 492 053.78 t.670
3.BOBINOU68Pacific Coast6851 867 740.85 t.681
4.FIZIONorth West659414 933.80 t.659
5.GAECCASE25Center531674 209.23 t.1 377
6.JIBBYCenter317216 126.53 t.0
7.MRSWINGKING_South West17847 049.50 t.9
8.LE SAVOYARDPacific Coast1147 169.00 t.1 107
9.RAZORLIGHT80430South87130 564.07 t.223
10.NICO7530SSouth59131 082.91 t.4
11.DESC09120South24134 311.85 t.0
12.THéO TRANSCenter153 008.00 t.0
13.JULIENPacific Coast5202 000.00 t.0
14.FEFE86Pacific Coast11 000.00 t.0

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To manage a regional cooperative you must declare yourself as a potentiel partner.

To build an industrial cheese dairy you first have to get a building permit.