- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.FARMERBERNIECenter428402 959.31 t.21
2.GUILLAUMECASEIHPacific Coast40953 573.97 t.141
3.ETIENNE 18Pacific Coast373568 568.45 t.1 533
4.TRIEBEL44Center292363 984.86 t.33
5.GEZOLMEPacific Coast192620 104.12 t.0
6.WILBURSouth West170353 578.58 t.358
7.PAWILLIAMSCenter16447 271.52 t.88
8.SCEA BROUILLARDPacific Coast154316 110.14 t.0
9.THOUTMOSIS3Pacific Coast13561 051.36 t.24
10.TX64PLUSPacific Coast130142 232.34 t.95
11.M@SSEY FERGUSONNorth East128624 967.02 t.108
12.ALEX6475South1162 105.00 t.109
13.BOBINOU68Pacific Coast114212 120.79 t.0
14.MATTWITTNorth East10284 600.84 t.78
15.XAVLEONorth West9766 531.25 t.15
16.BORGES TOSTEPacific Coast9221 477.48 t.2
17.GUIL15North West9164 574.93 t.15
18.AGRI SERVICECenter873 896.15 t.80
19.BARBEGRISESouth West8613 497.28 t.91
20.SUPERPAPYNorth West838 732.83 t.33
21.FERME26Pacific Coast7961 125.49 t.5
22.EMILIOTOSCANISouth7923 531.70 t.3
23.ANTHONIOSPacific Coast78433 105.00 t.969
24.LEPAYSAN52South7620 190.76 t.0
25.KEV1DU80Pacific Coast72338 308.00 t.166

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