- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.FARMERBERNIECenter444404 093.29 t.21
2.GUILLAUMECASEIHPacific Coast44155 583.97 t.64
3.GEZOLMEPacific Coast312469 382.86 t.0
4.TRIEBEL44Center291357 012.86 t.22
5.ETIENNE 18Pacific Coast184495 458.45 t.1 280
6.PAWILLIAMSCenter18341 528.46 t.86
7.SCEA BROUILLARDPacific Coast174335 360.14 t.0
8.M@SSEY FERGUSONNorth East143701 960.02 t.102
9.THOUTMOSIS3Pacific Coast13267 104.49 t.44
10.WILBURSouth West128229 172.60 t.317
11.TX64PLUSPacific Coast128135 645.64 t.81
12.PRèSICenter126728 636.73 t.0
13.MATTWITTNorth East126184 240.11 t.78
14.TIZOTE62720South West12094 254.50 t.0
15.ALEX6475South1082 105.00 t.100
16.BORGES TOSTEPacific Coast10020 368.71 t.2
17.XAVLEONorth West9739 373.99 t.20
18.AGRI SERVICECenter943 846.15 t.86
19.GUIL15North West8960 508.49 t.15
20.EMILIOTOSCANISouth8933 434.34 t.3
21.SUPERPAPYNorth West869 552.83 t.43
22.BARBEGRISESouth West7913 760.28 t.68
23.LEPAYSAN52South7821 629.76 t.0
24.FERME26Pacific Coast7350 793.49 t.5
25.KEV1DU80Pacific Coast69226 149.00 t.166

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