- Transport contractor ranking per truck -
  • Only orders fulfilled within the last 84 days are taken into account
  • Updated 1 time per day

Ranking by :
Equipment :
Transport contractor's region :

RankContractorRegionDoneTons transportedNumber of equipments transported
1.BOBINOU68Pacific Coast15751 117 453.12 t.25
2.WILBURSouth West828689 832.32 t.204
3.GEZOLMEPacific Coast672921 587.48 t.0
4.FARMERBERNIECenter537272 952.17 t.67
5.GUILLAUMECASEIHPacific Coast429153 214.50 t.191
6.TRIEBEL44Center377430 543.53 t.20
7.PAWILLIAMSCenter18768 146.49 t.161
8.TX64PLUSPacific Coast128141 453.37 t.246
9.BORGES TOSTEPacific Coast12167 902.65 t.98
10.PRèSICenter106691 371.12 t.0
11.AGRI SERVICECenter10529 965.45 t.40
12.KAWAYOYOSouth West99122 526.93 t.57
13.M@SSEY FERGUSONNorth East94736 837.91 t.33
14.PAPOUNERPacific Coast9226 832.03 t.24
15.SEBTAFPacific Coast89187 199.49 t.3
16.XAVLEONorth West8771 187.44 t.1
17.FARMER03South8322 529.31 t.101
18.BLOWINSMOKE007Pacific Coast79468 761.20 t.0
19.KEV1DU80Pacific Coast77383 343.00 t.171
20.GUIL15North West7142 647.09 t.0
21.BARBEGRISESouth West7117 714.60 t.49
22.GAEC DU BOURGNorth West7020 945.33 t.55
23.ETA DE LA GOHELLEPacific Coast68369 572.98 t.2
24.SUPERPAPYNorth West6715 940.14 t.31
25.LUCETTTTTELU7Pacific Coast64290 710.31 t.0

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